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  • Credit Pros

7750 Okeechobee Blvd Suite #4-765, West Palm Beach, FL 33411


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Credit Reporting - Thecreditpros

  • Credit Score

    A credit report is a track record of both your personal and financial credit information. It includes information taken from public records, personal identification and debt information. Your report will show things like your payment history, your debt balances, items in default, items in collections, and who you owe money to. Your credit score is a 3-digit number between 300 and 850 that shows how creditworthy you are. Lenders use your credit score to decide whether or not you qualify for loans. They also use your credit score to determine your interest rate. Credit scores are calculated using a 5-part formula, calculated based on the following factors: payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, mix of types of credit, and amount of new credit. Your credit scores don’t just influence your ability to get a loan at a good price, however. Employers check credit to make sure that their employees can be trusted with money. Landlords check reports to determine whether or n

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